Bishop Athanasius Schneider asked for more Knights to join the battle, already in 2019, hence the name.
Our Step-by-Step Rosary Community will commit to the Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, according to the request from Cardinal Leo Burke.
Here is the official prayer The official nine-month Novena to our Lady of Guadalupe , which is to be prayed daily throughout the nine-month novena from March 12 to December 12, 2024.
We have included it in all our online Rosary material.
We first launched our website on Sept 13, 2019 as a response to Cardinal Leo Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider and their request for faithful to pray before the Amazon Synod.
In 2021/22 it was quite clear to us that we wanted to offer our Rosary to as many people as possible. We knew, way back in 2013, that "I know how to pray the Rosary" was not 100% true, in particularly when we asked if the person could lead us in prayers.
As we only had paper copies in 2014-2019, which made us a bit limited in how to structure our material. We knew that we wanted to offer several options such as one for the beginners, one for the ones who know of how to pray the Rosary but is missing bits and pieces. It could be someone who wants to learn to pray it in Latin, or who does not have the material needed.
Our Rosary prayer development comes from more than 400 consecutive Saturday Rosary prayers, from a tremendous research and love to be true and seek the truth.
We had no intention of inventing the wheel, again ... and we also decided to piggy-back on Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and how they pray the Rosary in Latin. We wish souls to come to Heaven, instead of Hell. The Rosary is our only weapon.
Here is what we offer digitally:
Our print-copy is filled with add-on material.
The Rosary our only weapon against Evil and it is an old form, known to work.
It is not about the one who prays the most, or the one who prays in the divine language.
Our Rosary is about praying the Rosary.
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