Soldiers of Christ, in the service of our Lady!
The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family.
It has been a hectic January, which is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. The exorcism and blessing of Holy Salt and Holy Water, which is on the vigil of Epiphany (Most Holy Name of Jesus), and then blessings of gold, Myrrh, francincense and chalk. Baptism of the Lord, and the following celebration of the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
February 2, and Candlemas marks the end of the Christmas season. We do hope everyone got all the candles blessed.
As mentioned earlier, we will continue to offer Cardinal Burke's "nine-month novena" prayer for the one who wants to continue praying it, and all the "nine-month novena material" can be found here.
'Step-by-Step Rosary soldiers of Christ in the service of our Lady'
In December 2024, we finalized our 8½ years of Step-by-Step Rosary R&D, to have our first book shipped to our printer, with an ISBN-code, which we are thrilled about. The prayer group commenced in the summer of 2015, got structured in January 2016, and in 2018, we started adding illustrations to our Rosary booklet.
You become a Soldier of Christ at your Confirmation, and we raised the question of how can we defend our Faith, if we are not informed of what it actually means to be a Soldier of Christ. Do we have the material to actually function as a solder of Christ?
What are the expectations?
The Rosary is our only spiritual weapon.
It is not only for defence, but also for attack - to send your prayers deep down into enemy end-zone.
To keep them busy on their side, instead of hanging around on our turf.
What a glorious day to die!
Are we ready to take such stand? Have we prepared ourself?
How about, are we ready to dig our boots into the ground, stand firm,
kneeling before God, with our Rosary in our hand, in the trenches and say:
So be it!
Let it be!
Keep on praying the Rosary!
"But there is no way of casting out such spirits as this except by prayer and fasting"
Matt 17:20
“For never will anyone who says his Rosary every day become a formal heretic or be led astray by the devil.
This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.”
Twenty-fifth Rose,St. Louis de Montfort
O MARY, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O Maria, sine labe concépta,
ora pro nobis qui ad Te confúgimus.
O Maria sine labe concépta,
ora pro nobis, qui confúgimus ad Te.
We seek refuge and come to Jesus, Boetius A. Bolswert, 1620. ©The Art of Christianity Collection, inv. nr AP00251.
We are now in a diabolical dissorientation where everything now is an up-side-down structure. We have the advantage that we can seek refuge at the foot of the Cross of our Lord.
There is a thick smoke-screen in place, building a new distorted order, where the the seven deadly sins are in place instead of the seven virtues. The new world order is rather a new world in dis-order.
The attack on the Church, occurs from several angles and in particularly from the enemy of our enemy. Remember that God has a plan and can and most likely will chastice us. But, we have trained for several years now to be the soldier of Christ and to be in the service of our Lady.
The sound of silence or more so, the silence is deafening from the hierarchy and each cardinal, bishop and priest will have to face it when the days come meeting our creator, like all of us will. Bishops need to break the spells keeping them afraid.
Their job is to save souls ... but they risk their own eternity by keeping quiet.
The family that prays together, stays together.
If a household do not have a "head of family", which is one man's obligation, who is actually the "head of family"?
Our signature "Step-by-Step Rosary" encompasses the traditional 15 mysteries, accompanied by historical Christian artworks depicting each scriptural scene. Religious art, language, and music are powerful tools in the battle against evil as they forge a connection between ourselves and God and serve as a constant reminder of the goodness in the world.
Our current Step-by-Step Rosary community offers the Rosary in eleven languages; English, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian.
Not all versions are online, as they may be under a final local touch to complete each Rosary.
Father Chad Ripperger had recently an interesting speech in the St. Patrick's Cathedral where he said that the top-exorcists in the USA estimate that about 25% of the adult population is diabolical obsessed. The diabolical oppression is also on the rise!
St. Patrick Cathedral was under a sacrilege attack (Feb 15, 2024) and the cathedral ought to be exorcised - just like many churches around the world.
All responsible bishop's need to wake up and to enter all their churches and slam their crosier's into the ground and chase demons away.
We, men and head of families, we need to make sure our houses and family members are protected. This is our duty as a man and as the thehead of the household. Make sure you have proper blessed gear; such as:
In 2020/2021, we started a project making sure that there was frankincense available to all who wanted. We try to make sure that as many as possible join on the Vigil of Epiphany (Jan 6) and Epiphany (Jan 7) and if they had no incense, they could purchase beforehand or were given (once it is blessed, no transaction can occur as the transaction breaks the blessing).
If you attend a traditional Latin Mass, you are fully aware that there is a difference between a TLM-priest blessing your Rosary and a Novus Ordo blessing.
This goes also with the medals attached to your Rosary, not to mention icons. .
The St. Benedict medal is exorcised and blessed. Each medal on your Rosary is blessed according to which medal is included as well as the Rosary is blessed by itself.
(We sponsor our local priest with myrrh and frankincense).
Gregorian chant, the only chant that the Catholic Church has inherited from the ancient fathers, is considered as the supreme model of sacred music. All are powerful weapons that can help you to overcome darkness.
Our aim is to do four fasts per year, which are the following:
The Raccolta, ed. 1910, #23.
There are people who, today, have difficulties of praying for the Popes intentions - but - few knows of what the intentions actually are:
"The Pope’s intention always includes the following objects:
i. The progress of the Faith and triumph of the Church.
ii. Peace and union among Christian Princes and Rulers.
iii. The conversion of sinners.
iv. The uprooting of heresy.
These intentions may be fittingly recalled and prayed for after Communion, or at the visit;
but a general intention of praying according to the mind of the Pope is sufficient ; and any prayers may be used which are not already of obligation, e.g., the Little Hours of a priests Office. (July 12, 1847; May 29, 1841.)"
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